Worksheets for Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids 1A

Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids is a series of Chinese textbooks specifically designed for kids from non-Chinese backgrounds. It covers four levels, each of which is made up of two volumes: a and b (each with a CD). This series has four characters in it, namely Ding Yi, Tian Li, Jingjing and Lele, who are primary school students from China and abroad. Beautifully designed illustrations, simple sentences and dialogues and lovely songs among other means are adopted to develop the kids’ interest in learning Chinese and help them lay a solid Chinese foundation by mastering such fundamental Chinese knowledge as numbers, basic strokes, self-introduction and daily expressions. Chinese culture is introduced on the last two pages of each volume together with some color stickers for practice. Each volume comes with a CD with all the lessons and songs on it.
This is Volume 1a in the series, with altogether 7 lessons encompassing such topics as numbers, greetings, names, ages and classes, etc. It can be used in the first semester of Year 1 at primary school.

ISBN: 9787561930496

Lesson 1 Numbers (1) 一二三四五

Lesson 2 Numbers (2) 六七八九十

Lesson 3 Numbers (3) 十一~二十

Lesson 4 Hello! 你好

Lesson 5 Thank you! 谢谢你

Lesson 6 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字

Lesson 7 I’m 5 years old. 我五岁

Lesson 1 Numbers (1) 一二三四五
Lesson 2 Numbers (2) 六七八九十
Lesson 3 Numbers (3) 十一~二十
Lesson 4 Hello! 你好
Lesson 5 Thank you! 谢谢你
Lesson 6 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字
Lesson 7 I’m 5 years old. 我五岁

Worksheets for Road to Success: Lower Elementary Vol. 2

Road to Success is a series of foreign language teaching materials for non-native learners of Chinese. It not only can be applied to classroom teaching of formal Chinese teaching institutions, but also can meet the demands of various forms of teaching and self-study learners.It provides a comprehensive and rich teaching content and builds a scrupulous and standard teaching platform. Learners can get systematic learning and training of Chinese language knowledge, skills and culture. Moreover, the combinatorial design of Road to Success meets to the greatest extent diversified needs of teaching and learning by providing a wide choice for all types of teaching institutions and self-study learners.

Lower Elementary, following Threshold of Road to Success, is the first step for the students to study Chinese grammar. It consists of two volumes, the first of which covers three units and the second covers four. Each unit is composed of 4 lessons. There are altogether 28 lessons. After learning the two volumes, the students will be able to speak more than 600 Chinese words and expressions and write over 400 Chinese characters.

ISBN: 9787561921821

Unit 4 生活安排 Activities of Daily Life

Lesson 13 我们在食堂门口见面 We ‘ll meet at the gate of the canteen
Lesson 14 我不能去看电影 I can’t go to see the movie
Lesson 15 我从星期一到星期三有课 I have classes from Monday to Wednesday
Lesson 16 我在操场踢球呢 I am playing football on the playground

Unit 5 寻求帮助 Seeking for Help

Lesson 17 我不会汉字输入 I don’t know how to input Chinese characters
Lesson 18 一直往前走 Go straight ahead
Lesson 19 房间里可以上网 There’s access to the Internet in the room
Lesson 20 请你帮我还他 Please return it to him for me

Unit 6 说明 描述 Illustration and Description

Lesson 21 你怎么了 What’s wrong with you
Lesson 22 我25岁 I’m 25
Lesson 23 这件衣服是中式的 This coat is of Chinese style
Lesson 24 我发音发得不太准 My pronunciation is not very standard

Unit 7 比较 时态 Comparison and Tense

Lesson 25 我的家乡冬天比北京暖和 It’s warmer in my hometown in winter than in Beijing
Lesson 26 我们国家的菜没有四川菜那么辣 Dishes in our country are not as hot as those in Sichuan
Lesson 27 上海跟北京不一样 Shanghai is different from Beijing
Lesson 28 秋天要到了 Autumn is coming

Worksheets for Road to Success: Lower Elementary Vol. 1

Road to Success is a series of foreign language teaching materials for non-native learners of Chinese. It not only can be applied to classroom teaching of formal Chinese teaching institutions, but also can meet the demands of various forms of teaching and self-study learners.It provides a comprehensive and rich teaching content and builds a scrupulous and standard teaching platform. Learners can get systematic learning and training of Chinese language knowledge, skills and culture. Moreover, the combinatorial design of Road to Success meets to the greatest extent diversified needs of teaching and learning by providing a wide choice for all types of teaching institutions and self-study learners.

Lower Elementary, following Threshold of Road to Success, is the first step for the students to study Chinese grammar. It consists of two volumes, the first of which covers three units and the second covers four. Each unit is composed of 4 lessons. There are altogether 28 lessons. After learning the two volumes, the students will be able to speak more than 600 Chinese words and expressions and write over 400 Chinese characters.

ISBN: 9787561921821

Unit 1 确认 介绍 To ldentify, to Introduce

Lesson 1 我叫大卫 My name is David
Lesson 2 这是安妮的地图 This is Anny’ s map
Lesson 3 你家有几口人 How many people are there in your family
Lesson 4 你们班有多少学生 How many students are there in your class

Unit 2 时间 方位 Time and Position

Lesson 5 我的生日是五月九号 My birthday is on 9th, May
Lesson 6 我们上午八点半上课 We begin class at 8:30 am
Lesson 7 银行在哪儿 Where’s the bank
Lesson 8 墙上有一张中国地图 There is a map of China on the wall

Unit 3 日常需要 Daily Necessities

Lesson 9 你吃米饭还是饺子 Would you like to have rice or dumplings
Lesson 10 苹果多少钱一斤 How much does half a kilo of apples cost
Lesson 11 我去银行换钱 I’ll go to the bank to change some money
Lesson 12 我们骑自行车去颐和园 We’ll go to the Summer Palace by bike

Worksheets for Easy Steps to Chinese Vol. 4

This book is Volume Four of the series Easy Steps to Chinese. With five units (three lessons in each unit), it offers language knowledge and practice centering on the common topics in everyday life such as “appearance, occupations, personality”, “daily routine, household chores, pets”, “schools, examinations, school events”, “delicious food, festivals, eating out”, “neighborhood, traveling, accidents”, etc. This volume is full-color printed (with one CD). With beautiful illustrations, practical conversations and short articles, it enables the students’ simple communication in fluent and accurate Chinese.

ISBN: 9787561919965

Unit 1

Lesson 1 Appearance 长相
Lesson 2 Occupations 职业
Lesson 3 Personality 性格

Unit 2

Lesson 4 Daily Routine 日常起居
Lesson 5 Household Chores 家务
Lesson 6 Pets 宠物

Unit 3

Lesson 7 Schools 学校
Lesson 8 Examinations 考试
Lesson 9 School Events 学校活动

Unit 4

Lesson 10 Delicious Food 美食
Lesson 11 Festivals 节日
Lesson 12 Eating Out 外出就餐

Unit 5

Lesson 13 Neighbourhood 杜区
Lesson 14 Travelling 旅游
Lesson 15 Accidents 意外事故

Worksheets for Easy Steps to Chinese Vol. 3

This book is Volume Three of the series Easy Steps to Chinese. With five units (three lessons in each unit), it offers language knowledge and practice centering on the common topics in everyday life.

ISBN: 9787561918890

Unit 1

Lesson 1 Relatives 亲戚
Lesson 2 Appearance 长相
Lesson 3 Seeing a Doctor 看病

Unit 2

Lesson 4 Seasons 季节
Lesson 5 Occupations 职业
Lesson 6 Hobbies 爱好

Unit 3

Lesson 7 Subjects of Study 科目
Lesson 8 School Facilities 学校设施
Lesson 9 Stationery 文具

Unit 4

Lesson 10 Fresh Market 菜市场
Lesson 11 Snacks 零食
Lesson 12 Eating Out 外出就餐

Unit 5

Lesson 13 Neighbourhood 杜区
Lesson 14 Asking the Way 问路
Lesson 15 Neighbours 邻居

Worksheets for Easy Steps to Chinese Vol. 2

This book is Volume Two of the series Easy Steps to Chinese. With five units (three lessons in each unit), it offers language knowledge and practice centering on the common topics in everyday life such as “countries, language, school subjects, phone calls”, “weather, seasons, sickness”, “hobbies”, “vegetables, fruits, meals, eating out”, “house, housewares, community”, etc. This volume is full-color printed (with one CD). With beautiful illustrations, practical conversations and short articles, it enables the students’ simple communication in fluent and accurate Chinese.

ISBN: 9787561918104

Unit 1

Lesson 1 Countries, Languages 国家、语言
Lesson 2 Subjects of Study 科目
Lesson 3 Making Phone Calls 打电话

Unit 2

Lesson 4 Weather 天气
Lesson 5 Seasons 季节
Lesson 6 Sickness 生病

Unit 3

Lesson 7 Hobby (1): Music 爱好(一):音乐
Lesson 8 Hobby (2): Sports 爱好(二):运动
Lesson 9 Hobby (3): Dance 爱好(三):舞蹈

Unit 4

Lesson 10 Vegetables and Fruits 蔬莱、水果
Lesson 11 Three Meals a Day 一日三餐
Lesson 12 Eating Out 外出就餐

Unit 5

Lesson 13 House 房子
Lesson 14 Furniture 家具
Lesson 15 Neighbourhood 社区

Worksheets for Easy Steps to Chinese Vol. 1

Easy Steps to Chinese adopts a new approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It is designed for both primary and secondary school students who are taking Chinese exams, such as GCSE/IGCSE/AS (U.K.), SAT II/AP (U.S.A.), IB Chinese Language B Standard Level, or for those students who are starting to learn Chinese on their own.

ISBN: 9787561916506

Unit 1

Lesson 1 Pinyin,Basic Strokes 拼音、基本笔画
    Lesson 2 Pinyin,Numbers 拼音、数字
    Lesson 3 Greetings 问候

    Unit 2

    Lesson 4 Dates 日期
    Lesson 5 Age 年龄
    Lesson 6 Telephone Numbers 电话号码

    Unit 3

    Lesson 7 Family Members 家庭成员
    Lesson 8 Self-introduction 自我介绍
    Lesson 9 Occupation 职业

    Unit 4

    Lesson 10 Time 时间
    Lesson 11 Daily Routine 日常起居
    Lesson 12 Means of Transport 交通工具

    Unit 5

    Lesson 13 Colours 颜色
    Lesson 14 Clothing 穿着
    Lesson 15 Parts of the Body 人体部位

    Worksheets for New Practical Chinese Reader (Traditional Chinese Characters Edition) Vol. 2

    New Practical Chinese Reader is a series of Chinese textbooks compiled at the beginning of the new millennium for the purpose of Chinese to native English speakers or those who use English as their principal second language. It aims to develop the learner’s communicative ability in Chinese by learning language structures. Functions and related cultural knowledge as well as by training their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

    ISBN: 9787561921074

    Lesson 15 她去上海了
    Lesson 16 我把這事兒忘了
    Lesson 17 這件旗袍比那件漂亮
    Lesson 18 我聽懂了,可是記錯了
    Lesson 19 中國畫跟油畫不一樣
    Lesson 20 (複習Review) 過新年
    Lesson 21 我們的隊員是從不同國家來的
    Lesson 22 你看過越劇沒有
    Lesson 23 我們爬上長城來了
    Lesson 24 你舅媽也開始用計算機了
    Lesson 25 司機開着車送我們到醫院
    Lesson 26 (複習) 你快要成“中國通”了

    Worksheets for New Practical Chinese Reader (Traditional Chinese Characters Edition) Vol. 1

    New Practical Chinese Reader is a series of Chinese textbooks compiled at the beginning of the new millennium for the purpose of Chinese to native English speakers or those who use English as their principal second language. It aims to develop the learner’s communicative ability in Chinese by learning language structures. Functions and related cultural knowledge as well as by training their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

    ISBN: 9787561919354

    Lesson 1 你好
    Lesson 2 你忙嗎
    Lesson 3 她是哪國人
    Lesson 4 認識你很高興
    Lesson 5 餐廳在哪兒
    Lesson 6 (複習)我們去遊戲,好嗎
    Lesson 7 你認識不認識他
    Lesson 8 你們家有幾口人
    Lesson 9 他今年二十歲
    Lesson 10 我在這兒買光盤
    Lesson 11 我會說一點兒漢語
    Lesson 12 我全身都不舒服
    Lesson 13 我認識了一個漂亮的姑娘
    Lesson 14 (複習)祝你聖誕快樂

    Worksheets for New Practical Chinese Reader Vol. 2

    This is the most popular textbook used to teach Chinese in universities all over the United States. Designed for native English speakers to learn Chinese, the objective of this textbook, and its companion workbooks, is to develop the student’s ability to communicate using Chinese through the study of language structure, language function, and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In every lesson, the following sections are present: Text, New Words, Notes, Conversation Practice, Reading Comprehension, Phonetics, Grammar, Characters and Cultural Notes. The book uses several fictional characters in different situations to make the Chinese learning experience more enjoyable.

    ISBN: 9787561911297

    Lesson 15 她去上海了
    Lesson 16 我把这事儿忘了
    Lesson 17 这件旗袍比那件漂亮
    Lesson 18 我听懂了,可是记错了
    Lesson 19 中国画跟油画不一样
    Lesson 20 我们去游泳,好吗
    Lesson 21 我们的队员是从不同国家来的
    Lesson 22 你看过越剧没有
    Lesson 23 我们爬上长城来了
    Lesson 24 你舅妈也开始用电脑了
    Lesson 25 司机开着车送我们到医院
    Lesson 26 你快要成“中国通”了