Worksheets for Kuaile Hanyu / Happy Chinese (2nd Edition) Vol. 1

Second edition of the series of textbooks Kuaile Hanyu, this is the student’s book from the first level. For this second edition, contents have been modernized and also the illustrations and the design of the book. For this new edition, authors are seeking to boost skills such as reading, listening, speaking, writing and translation. 

ISBN: 9787107278945

第一课 你好
第二课 你叫什么
第三课 你家在哪儿
第四课 爸爸,妈妈
第五课 我有一只小猫
第六课 我家不大
第七课 喝牛奶,不喝咖啡
第八课 我要苹果,你呢
第九课 我喜欢海鲜
第十课 中文课
第十一课 我们班
第十二课 我去图书馆
第十三课 现在几点
第十四课 我的生日
第十五课 今天很冷
第十六课 他是医生
第十七课 他在医院工作
第十八课 我想做演员日常用语
第十九课 你的爱好是什么
第二十课 你会打网球吗
第二十一课 我天天看电视
第二十二课 这是火车站
第二十三课 我坐飞机去
第二十四课 汽车站在前面

Worksheets for BCT Standard Course 3

BCT Standard Course is the combination of a general language course for Chinese students who combines the learning content with those of the BCT (Business Chinese Test). The lessons are filled with learning contents in a modern design, each unit is limited to less than 5 minutes. The appendix contains a sample test. Learners who have completed the BCT Standard Course 1-3 courses have learned the contents of the BCT (A) and the volumes 4-5 cover BCT (B).

ISBN: 9787107307928

Lesson 1 幸会
Lesson 2 为了健康
Lesson 3 节日聚会
Lesson 4 他出去了
Lesson 5 请把门打开
Lesson 6 简历被谁拿走了
Lesson 7 手续很简单
Lesson 8 预定会议中心
Lesson 9 我们是一家大企业
Lesson 10 欢迎您来我们工厂参观
Lesson 11 在市场上销售得很好
Lesson 12 我们开始吧
Lesson 13 请您再考虑考虑
Lesson 14 为我们合作成功干杯
Lesson 15 七天包退
Lesson 16希望这样的问题以后不再发生
Lesson 17 我们要招聘新员工
Lesson 18 市场调查报告
Lesson 19 合同修改好了
Lesson 20 祝你一路顺风

Worksheets for BCT Standard Course 2

BCT Standard Course is the combination of a general language course for Chinese students who combines the learning content with those of the BCT (Business Chinese Test). The lessons are filled with learning contents in a modern design, each unit is limited to less than 5 minutes. The appendix contains a sample test. Learners who have completed the BCT Standard Course 1-3 courses have learned the contents of the BCT (A) and the volumes 4-5 cover BCT (B).

ISBN: 9787107244292

Lesson 1 你好吗
Lesson 2 我的同事
Lesson 3 我的爱好
Lesson 4 我坐地铁来上班
Lesson 5 我们公司在CBD
Lesson 6 明天是晴天
Lesson 7 我生病了
Lesson 8 您要留言吗
Lesson 9 真不好意思
Lesson 10 您需要帮助吗
Lesson 11 这是您的日程
Lesson 12 今天有什么安排
Lesson 13 我的计划
Lesson 14 通知
Lesson 15 欢迎光临
Lesson 16请派人来修理一下
Lesson 17 我的工作
Lesson 18 这是我们的新产品
Lesson 19 能帮我一下吗?
Lesson 20 在中国出差

Worksheets for BCT Standard Course 1

BCT Standard Course is the combination of a general language course for Chinese students who combines the learning content with those of the BCT (Business Chinese Test). The lessons are filled with learning contents in a modern design, each unit is limited to less than 5 minutes. The appendix contains a sample test. Learners who have completed the BCT Standard Course 1-3 courses have learned the contents of the BCT (A) and the volumes 4-5 cover BCT (B).

ISBN: 9787107296857

Lesson 1 你好
Lesson 2 欢迎
Lesson 3 我来介绍一下
Lesson 4 再见
Lesson 5 他是哪国人
Lesson 6 对不起
Lesson 7 今天星期几
Lesson 8 现在几点
Lesson 9 几点起床
Lesson 10 今天几月几号
Lesson 11 办公室在五零六房间
Lesson 12 什么时候见面
Lesson 13 请给我打电话
Lesson 14 坐出租车
Lesson 15 坐电梯
Lesson 16 洗手间在哪儿
Lesson 17 在桌子上
Lesson 18 在餐厅
Lesson 19 在超市
Lesson 20 订票

Worksheets for YCT Standard Course 3

Introduction: YCT Standard Course (Book 3) is designed for entry level primary school and middle school students. The book has 12 lessons, covering 80 words, 26 grammar and function items of YCT level 3. Lessons 1—11 are teaching lessons while lesson 12 is a revision lesson. The suggested class hours for each lesson are 3-4 hours.

Each lesson in Book 3 consists of Key sentences, Let’s learn (new words), Let’s read (texts), Activities and exercises, Songs, Mini stories and Model test page.

The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency, which evaluates the ability of primary school and middle school students whose mother tongue is not Chinese to use the Chinese language in their daily lives and study. YCT Standard Course has been developed based on the analysis of YCT papers and the principle of “combining testing and teaching”.

ISBN: 9787040445909

Lesson 1 我三年级。 I’m in the third grade.
Lesson 2 你喜欢什么运动? What’s your favorite sport?
Lesson 3 我在画画儿呢。 I’m drawing a picture.
Lesson 4 喂,您好! Hello!
Lesson 5 再吃几个。 Have some more.
Lesson 6 我能自己穿。 I can put it on by myself.
Lesson 7 生日快乐! Happy birthday!
Lesson 8 下雪了。 It’s snowing.
Lesson 9 笑-笑! Smile!
Lesson 10 谁跑得快? Who runs fast?
Lesson 11 妈妈把糖给弟弟了。 Mom has given the candy to your brother.

Zhong Wen Textbook Vol. 12

The “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Book is compiled by the Chinese Language College of Jinan University for Overseas Chinese and their children, and for anyone who wish to learn Chinese language. It is sponsored by the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. The whole set is composed of 48 volumes, including 12 level of textbooks, 24 drill workbooks (Exercise book A and B for each level), and 12 teachers’ reference books. Tapes and VCD for computer drilling exercises at each level are developed.

This set of “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Books, have been introduced and highly recommended by the Chinese School Association in the United States as major teaching materials in the United States since 1996. Since then, It has becoming the most popular Chinese Language textbook used by Chinese language schools and parents in the United States, Canada and many European countries in resent years.

ISBN: 9787810298148

Lesson 1 卖火柴的小女孩
Lesson 2 神笔马良
Lesson 3 小溪流的歌
Lesson 4 泰戈尔的故事
Lesson 5 京剧大师梅兰芳
Lesson 6 戴高乐临危不惧
Lesson 7 音乐之都
Lesson 8 美丽富饶的天山
Lesson 9 世界奇迹金字塔
Lesson 10 灰尘的旅行
Lesson 11 论学习
Lesson 12 最后一课

Zhong Wen Textbook Vol. 11

The “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Book is compiled by the Chinese Language College of Jinan University for Overseas Chinese and their children, and for anyone who wish to learn Chinese language. It is sponsored by the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. The whole set is composed of 48 volumes, including 12 level of textbooks, 24 drill workbooks (Exercise book A and B for each level), and 12 teachers’ reference books. Tapes and VCD for computer drilling exercises at each level are developed.

This set of “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Books, have been introduced and highly recommended by the Chinese School Association in the United States as major teaching materials in the United States since 1996. Since then, It has becoming the most popular Chinese Language textbook used by Chinese language schools and parents in the United States, Canada and many European countries in resent years.

ISBN: 9787810298131

Lesson 1 白雪公主
Lesson 2 八仙过海
Lesson 3 可爱的熊猫
Lesson 4 华侨旗帜
Lesson 5 幽默大师
Lesson 6 科学惊雷
Lesson 7 天安门
Lesson 8 美丽的大草原
Lesson 9 伏尔加河
Lesson 10 日记两则
Lesson 11 读后感
Lesson 12 演讲稿

Zhong Wen Textbook Vol. 10

The “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Book is compiled by the Chinese Language College of Jinan University for Overseas Chinese and their children, and for anyone who wish to learn Chinese language. It is sponsored by the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. The whole set is composed of 48 volumes, including 12 level of textbooks, 24 drill workbooks (Exercise book A and B for each level), and 12 teachers’ reference books. Tapes and VCD for computer drilling exercises at each level are developed.

This set of “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Books, have been introduced and highly recommended by the Chinese School Association in the United States as major teaching materials in the United States since 1996. Since then, It has becoming the most popular Chinese Language textbook used by Chinese language schools and parents in the United States, Canada and many European countries in resent years.

ISBN: 9787810298124

Lesson 1 我的电脑
Lesson 2 网上中文学校
Lesson 3 时间就是生命
Lesson 4 灰姑娘
Lesson 5 成语故事(开天辟地 千里送鹅毛)
Lesson 6 古诗二首(游园不值 竹枝词)
Lesson 7 水 桥
Lesson 8 印度奇观
Lesson 9 毛利村
Lesson 10 空城计
Lesson 11 托尔斯泰的故事
Lesson 12 居里夫人

Zhong Wen Textbook Vol. 9

The “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Book is compiled by the Chinese Language College of Jinan University for Overseas Chinese and their children, and for anyone who wish to learn Chinese language. It is sponsored by the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. The whole set is composed of 48 volumes, including 12 level of textbooks, 24 drill workbooks (Exercise book A and B for each level), and 12 teachers’ reference books. Tapes and VCD for computer drilling exercises at each level are developed.

This set of “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Books, have been introduced and highly recommended by the Chinese School Association in the United States as major teaching materials in the United States since 1996. Since then, It has becoming the most popular Chinese Language textbook used by Chinese language schools and parents in the United States, Canada and many European countries in resent years.

ISBN: 9787810298117

Lesson 1 剪纸
Lesson 2 中秋之夜
Lesson 3 家庭音乐会
Lesson 4 猪八戒吃西瓜
Lesson 5 皇帝的新衣
Lesson 6 成语故事
Lesson 7 桂林山水
Lesson 8 神奇的机器人
Lesson 9 古诗二首
Lesson 10 孔子求教
Lesson 11 杨振宁获奖
Lesson 12 总统道歉

Zhong Wen Textbook Vol. 8

The “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Book is compiled by the Chinese Language College of Jinan University for Overseas Chinese and their children, and for anyone who wish to learn Chinese language. It is sponsored by the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. The whole set is composed of 48 volumes, including 12 level of textbooks, 24 drill workbooks (Exercise book A and B for each level), and 12 teachers’ reference books. Tapes and VCD for computer drilling exercises at each level are developed.

This set of “Zhong Wen” Chinese Language Text Books, have been introduced and highly recommended by the Chinese School Association in the United States as major teaching materials in the United States since 1996. Since then, It has becoming the most popular Chinese Language textbook used by Chinese language schools and parents in the United States, Canada and many European countries in resent years.

ISBN: 9787810297035

Lesson 1 开学典礼
Lesson 2 一堂有趣的中文课
Lesson 3 一场篮球赛
Lesson 4 农夫和蛇
Lesson 5 三个和尚
Lesson 6 成语故事
Lesson 7 珠穆朗玛峰
Lesson 8 蝙蝠和雷达
Lesson 9 古诗二首
Lesson 10 徐悲鸿的故事
Lesson 11 郑和远航
Lesson 12 达尔文